Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You can find art everywhere...

Ok...so I'm 'that guy' right now sitting in Starbucks sippin' on my coffee (extra sugar of course) playing around on his laptop.  Although...no screenplays are being written over here, and I'm trying my hardest not to look like I'm doing something important.  Early morning commutes to work are usually spent sleeping and most likely snoring, you'll have to ask the other passengers if the later is true.  But today was a bit different, the people on the train talking in their 'outside' voices were not letting my tradition be what it is.   But that's ok.  Sometimes I wish I was able to stay up, so I could see what's going on out there in the short distance from home to Philly.

Arts beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that's the beauty of creation.  Some people look at graffiti and say that it is an garbage art form, but I beg to differ.  If it is done right, it can be just as nice to look at as a painting.  This graffiti adds character to an otherwise boring layout of bricks and gives early morning commuters something less boring to look at, and I enjoyed every minute of it.  Now don't get me wrong, there is such thing as bad graffiti.  Graffiti that spreads hate or violence, or graffiti that is sprayed from a can in hands of little talent, in my eyes, is not art.

Ok off to work...see you later folks and enjoy your Sundays...

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