Saturday, June 11, 2011

check out two of my brothers from another...

first is Mikey Vargas...He's the first one
and next is Jaquan aka J. Love...
SHOW THEM LOVE!  Follow them on Facebook and Twitter...
Follow Mikey @SearchSSL on Twitter and
Follow J. Love @whoisjlove on Twitter and

mumford and sons concert...

This past Thursday I attended the Mumford and Sons concert in my new neck of the woods...Maryland.  Why they came to this small town in MD, I have no idea, but I'll be the last one to complain.  Before the concert even started, it was a memorable one.

As soon as we started walking to the venue, I start feeling raindrops on my shoulder, not good.  But no worries, we are just steps away from the gates.  Hold up though, no camera's with removable lenses are allowed says the idiots with light blue shirts on that say "Staff" on the back.  My response is "are you serious?" as I look up at the dark gray clouds, only to be told "yes, you have to take it back to the car".  Awesome, thanks guys!  So I proceed to walk/run back to my car, I only say walk because I'm way too out of shape for this.  It's safe to say I got soaked, head to toe.  As history tells us, rain+concerts usually make for memorable moments, which it did.  There were two opening acts, which I've never heard of before, so I decided to go to the bathroom before Mumford hits the stage.  As soon as I turn the corner to the men's bathroom, I encounter a bunch of women in the line.  No, this was not a unisex bathroom, but it sure was turned into one.  Two lines, one for the men and the urinals, and one for the women and the stalls.  Needless to say this was classic, you can't make this stuff up!  People were even barefoot, and no that's not rain water your stepping in.  Drunk guys don't have the best aim...I'm just saying.

Now onto the concert.  I haven't been to many concerts, but I can tell you, this will by far be one of the best concerts I have or will ever see.  I've never seen a band get so involved in their music and feed off of the crowd.   We stood the whole time, well at least one of us did.  I'm used to being on my feet all day, so nothing new to me.  From beginning to end, Mumford and Sons kept us on our feet and graced us with some new music and played the hell out of the every instrument that was brought onto the stage.  Every band member played at least 3 instruments each, if not more, that's true musicianship if you ask me! If you can't open your minds and respect that, then I feel bad for you...

not my footage...

new buy...

Bottle cap coasters.  These coasters are made from bottle caps found in Africa.  Saw them in a shop down in downtown Lancaster and had to buy them, pretty dope buy to spice up a coffee table.